“My parents came from two different backgrounds but they both always taught me that blood’s thicker than water, and that in the end, the only real people that have your back are your family.”
Will’s story:
My dad’s black and my mom’s white. My mom’s dad was half-Irish and half-British. They met and they came to America together, my grandparents. My mom’s mom was an orphan from West Virginia. On my dad’s side, my sister was able to trace back some lineage back to a plantation that our ancestors worked on but that’s about it.
Family is really important to us. My parents came from two different backgrounds but they both always taught me that blood is thicker than water, and that in the end, the only real people that have your back are your family. My mom is one of nine so I have 26 cousins on her side and I have well over a dozen on my dad’s side. Family and extended family have always been a big part of my experience growing up. I think that definitely draws from both my dad and my mom’s side.
Liz’s story:
My mom is French-Canadian and grew up in Pittsburgh. My dad is an ex-political prisoner from Cuba. They met because my mom was in Amnesty International.
We roast pigs sometimes in Cuban tradition. I make Cuban Picadillo really well and I speak Spanish. I’ve definitely kept more of my dad’s heritage than my mom’s.
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